marți, 24 iunie 2008

Bacul la engleza

V-am zis ca bacul timpeste?Nu m-ati crezut.De data asta nu o sa fiu egoista scriind pentru mine ci o sa fiu de-a dreptul narcisista. V-am zis ca am fani?

claudia:One of my best friends is a girl whose nickname is “The bear” because of her “mountain woman appearance”. She’s quite tall, strong, her eyes are hazel and her hair is dark. We met in the first day of high school and since then we are close friends although we weren’t in the same class. She’s the only person that understands me in all my problems, who accepts me in who I really am and who respects me in all of my decisions. We help each other a lot and we spend a lot of time together. We like to have fun together like going to the cinema (we both like romantic comedies) or dancing at parties. Although we listen to different kinds of music, we don’t argue on this subject because we respect each other’s choices. She likes climbing the mountains, riding horses and skiing and she enjoys a lot watching to football matches especially if her favourite team, Sportul Studentesc, plays.

claudia: “Many people will walk in and out of your life; but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart”.
I think friends are our truest treasures. They make us laugh when we fell like crying over a bad mistake. They give us the courage to pass over the obstacles of life. Good friends make us almost invincible. Because they accept us for who we are, we gain confidence to dream great dreams and sometimes to make them real. Friends lighten our days with their honest answers. We can always trust them with our most embarrassing secrets. A medical researcher found that those who have friends tend to be happier, healthier and live longer than those who don’t. So friendship in someone’s life is very important for its spiritual and physical benefits.

Eh,de fapt astea sunt subiecte de bac la engleza rezolvate de maimuta,nicidecum texte spre a ma elogia (subiecte la franceza nu va pun pentru ca sunt prea comune).M-a impresionat primul text pentru ca se refera la urs si la al doilea mi-a placut ideea si modul in care a abordat-o.

Sunt profund recunoascatoare pentru textul cu ursul (o sa ma gindesc serios sa-ti scriu un post elogiator).

Am mai zis ca bacul timpeste?

later edit: scuze pentru cum arata postul dar fontul si dimensiunea textului e ultimul lucru la care m-am uitat

2 comentarii:

Cyber spunea...

da draga, te ador, ce vrei mai mult? :P poate imi pica vreun subiect din alea doua,sa vezi ce-or sa rada matei si mircea k doar vor fi cu mine in sala :)

Sasa spunea...

nu cred ca stiu ei cine e ursul...sau ma rog poate faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaani :-x

Despre urs

Fotografia mea
sunt un urs, din ala de terorizeaza turistii din Racadau
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